printed musical note page

The invite

There’s an invite tonight
to look at the score 
of the tune of our world
and to proclaim ‘no more’. 
‘Cos this tune leaves no room
for the materially poor,
their voices drowned out
by the cacophonous roar
of the top brass who
trumpet the anthems of ‘more’,
as the bugles cry discords
to the drumbeat of war.

There’s an invite tonight 
to write a new song,
where the rhythm of justice
moves the music along.
Where the pitch is not slanted
to favour the strong,
and the weak aren’t locked out
with a key that’s all wrong. 
Where the bars are not there
to fortify greed,
but the notes sing of freedom
for the captives of need.

There’s an invite tonight 
to join with the band
of brother and sisters 
as they take to the stand.
Where no part is ‘big’
and no part is ‘small’;
all this music demands
is the players give their all.
They will partner as equals, 
as they play from their hearts
in an orchestra greater
than the sum of its parts.

So the new song is written, 
the band is in place, 
and there’s rumours that angels
are joining this space.
‘Cos the music of justice 
scores the kingdom of God.
Now the conductor enters
and with divine nod
harm’nies of heaven 
fill the very first note.
As the majors join minors
in these melodies of hope.




