It was stillness first moved me
On that Bethlehem night
As the moon canvassed sky
For the stars to paint light
Somewhere out west
I heard a dog bark
Then the angel appeared
And the angel said “Hark!”
“Hark?”, I replied
Trying to sound keen
“I would, if I could…
“But what does Hark! mean?”
“Hark!” said the angel,
With a hint of dismay,
“Means listen, my child …
“So hear what I say”
I had ruffled his feathers
(I think that was clear?)
But he stretched out his a hand
And said, “child, do not fear”
“Hark!” said the angel,
And a charge thrilled the air
“The Father is working
“And it’s starting right there”
I followed his gaze
To the inn with the shed
“What’s starting?” I queried
“The future,” he said
“Hark!” said the angel,
And I heard a child cry:
“God is here with us
In a babe…born to die.”
“Gods cannot die
Or come down from above”
The angel smiled kindly
“So. You’ve never met Love?”
“Love?”, I exclaimed
“Our gods don’t love us”
“Child,” said the angel
“There’s one God; he does”
“Hark!” I then heard
Another voice say
“This is the truth, child
“My love is the way”
“I am life over death
“I am light over dark
“I am hope over sadness
“So hark! my child, hark!”
The angel had vanished
When this voice spoke
“I am with you and for you
“And my love never ends”
The sky then fell silent
And I started to cry
For a God come to earth
In a child…born to die