This was a poem written for a Trent Vineyard Maundy Thursday service in 2010
Three words
Breathe, breathe, breathe
It is begun
Anointing at Bethany
Fragranced for death
Poured out extravagance
A beautiful thing
A beautiful thing
Upper Room feast
A Passover meal
One will disown
One will betray
Do it quickly
Do it quickly
Troubled in Spirit
Breathe, breathe, breathe
This my body
This my blood
Love one another
Love one another
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Garden of olives
Overwhelming, these sorrows
Sweat drops blood
Take this cup
Take this cup
Yet not my
Will be done
Friends are sleeping
Spirits are willing
Bodies are weak
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Now the hour
Betrayer he comes
Kisses of death
Clubs and swords
Drawn in fear
Not this way
Prince of Peace
(Heals the wounds)
Friends now fled
Now the hour
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Court of priests
Traps well set
Are you Christ?
I am he
There’s our blasphemy
Peter the rock
Stands at distance
In the courtyard
Watches the embers
Asked the question
Are you disciple?
Three times over
I am not
I am not
I am not
The cockerel crows
The rock weeps
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Early next morning
Pilate, a governor
Sees no crime
Priests preach insistence
Are you king?
Yes I am
Demands for crucifixion
Sees no crime
Attempts to release
Mob now baying
Give us Barabbas
Give us Barabbas
Sees. No. Crime
Crucify this man
Crucify this man
Washes his hands
Hands him over
Here’s your king
(What is truth?)
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Soldiers now mocking
Robing in purple
Crowning in thorns
Striking this temple
Falling to knees
Paying mock homage
Hail you King
Hail you King
Carry your cross
Nails hands feet
Spasm sinews scream
Risen to hang
Flanked by thieves
Soldiers cast lots
Naked to insults
Father forgive them
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Time standing still
Desperate for water
Bitter wine given
Take this cup
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Sixth hour comes
Darkness now fallen
Oh my father
You have forsaken
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Oh my father
You have forsaken!
Breathe, breathe…
It. Is. Finished