• Babysitter – a sketch

    Babysitter – a sketch

    A sketch for two men and one woman about a cruel deceit inflicted on a babysitter.

  • Off Plan – a sketch

    Off Plan – a sketch

    A keen angel is given a simple job at Christmas. She blows it by being just a bit too enthusiastic.

  • A video for a carol service

    A video for a carol service

    A video opener for the Christchurch Clifton Christmas carol service 2016.

  • Sunflowers


    A poem inspired by the love and kindness that we have received in abundance since my wife Jo was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2017.

  • Arusha W14

    Arusha W14

    Many, many years ago I went to Arusha in Tanzania with a friend who had a Fairtrade connection with some artists out there. It was my first visit to a ‘poorer nation’ and I was quite affected by the poverty I saw and the contrast with the West. We met a young woman (from Hammersmith,…

  • Flower


    A poem I wrote in 1998

  • A poem for Advent 2011

    A poem for Advent 2011

    This was written for an Advent service at Trent Vineyard church in Nottingham

  • The cancer haiku trilogy

    The cancer haiku trilogy

    Three haikus I wrote during our cancer journey.

  • Christmas 2017

    Christmas 2017

    A simple sonnet as an opener for the Christchurch Clifton carol services 2017.

  • Cancer


    In July 2017 my wife, Jo, was diagnosed with breast cancer. At one stage they were scanning to see if there were any secondaries, a whole more serious and life shortening diagnosis. I began this poem in the midst of the agonising period of waiting for scan results.

  • Cornwall interrupted

    Cornwall interrupted

    Holidays can be times of great peace. Or not…

  • The Caller

    The Caller

    A poem about connections and how we can miss them.

  • The choice

    The choice

    I wrote a poem for our Maundy Thursday service at Christ Church Clifton.

  • That year

    That year

    A poem for the Christmas carol service at Christ Church Clifton 2016.

  • Christmas 2015

    Christmas 2015

    A poem for the Christ Church Clifton Christmas carol service 2015.

  • Moments


    I wrote this poem for a Trent Vineyard Maundy Thursday service in 2012

  • Help

    I’ve just started reading a fascinating book called Help! Subtitled How to Become Slightly Happier and Get a Bit More Done, it’s written by Guardian journalist, Oliver Burkeman, who has a column in the weeekend section called This Column Will Change Your Life.

  • Poor Stanley

    Yesterday was a big day in Stanley Micah Wedd’s life. It was the first day daddy was looking after him for the whole day. Not a mummy in sight. Wall to wall fatherhood for you my son. He coped remarkably well. The day started with him being shoved into his car seat at 8.55am (ten…

  • Three words

    Three words

    This was a poem written for a Trent Vineyard Maundy Thursday service in 2010