I think we all need angels, every now and then…
A late summer day, prepares itself to dazzle
Of all years, 2020 decided to have an extra day. Oh my…
Bad dad
Some people are natural parents. Some people aren’t. This is about those people
Christmas Day 2019
After constant rain in December 2019, Christmas Day appeared
Hark! A Christmas poem
A poem performed at the Christ Church Clifton carol service 2019
John 1:1-14 – the movie
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God
Brexit – let’s think in colour
Brexit: it’s really not that black and white everybody
The Lord’s Prayer: remixed
If the the Lord’s Prayer had a 12″ version, this might be it
A poem for Jo’s 50th
My wife Jo turned 50 in 2019. I wrote this for her party
This was a short video opener for the Christ Church Clifton carol service 2018
A poem that was written for the Christ Church Clifton carol service 2018
Tom’s Funeral – a sketch
A lonely man dies young and the vicar is less than professional at the funeral
A Walk in the Park – a sketch
A random meeting in the park reveals the strangest of obsessions
Musical Dinner Party
A sketch about a woman who loves and lives musical theatre
The Piano – a sketch
A man is in shock when his piano turns against him
Fish Slice – a sketch
A fish slice goes missing in a period drama mystery
Blind Date – a sketch
A blind date does not go according to plan
Crime Zone – a sketch
Forecasts and updates on London’s crime scene
Science Trip – a sketch
A boarding school science trip does not go well